Sermon by Rev. Dr. K. A. Slayton, Sr.
“Imitating Faith”

In his life here on earth John Lewis graciously navigated his way from the red clay hills of Troy, Alabama to the elite halls of the U.S. Congress. Along the way Lewis was teaching us all, I do believe, what it means to be a man of faith. What did we learn from his time on earth? What did we gain from his work in the public square? How can we take what he left and continue to build the Beloved Community here on earth? While there are many different answers to these questions, I concluded that as the preaching moment drew nearer it was necessary to capture the essential element of his journey. It was his faith. So in this sermon preached at the Lanham UMC (virtually) on July 19, 2020 I gleaned my text from the book of Hebrews. It is there in the 13th and final chapter that we read where the writer is encouraging those in the faith to honor and REMEMBER those that came before us. But not just to remember them, but honor them by imitating their faith walk.

Lewis left a strong legacy one that will inspire many of the underserved people of this nation and abroad for centuries to come, but I will choose to remember him for his unwillingness to continue the American lie. And so, I hope you hear the message of commitment to a cause that is bigger than us. I certainly did. Feel free to leave your comments regarding the sermon and let’s have a dialogue. Peace